
Archive for the ‘Photo Contest’ Category

And the Winner is . . .

December 2nd, 2010

Deut. 9:17: "And I took the book, and cast it out of my two hands, and brake it before your eyes." Because it SUCKED!

Congratulations to Ken Deville, whose Charlton Heston/Moses photo wins the White Coat, Black Hat photo contest. Deville is a professor of bioethics himself, so I’m betting that Carl stole a couple of his ideas as well. He’ll be treated to his choice of the the 7 prizes we have on offer

Many thanks to everyone who participated. I was impressed, as always, at the outstanding number of talented Carl-haters out there.

As a coda, I would like to propose one more idea: A New Yorker-style caption competition. See if you can come up with a suitable caption for this photo, one that reflects some of Carl’s key attributes (talentlessness, sanctimony, plagiarism). I’ll get the ball rolling:

“Hey everybody, I wrote this puppy all by myself. That Burning Bush didn’t have shit to do with it!”

Your turn. Use the comments section below to give your suggestions (and this is just for fun, by the way. No prizes. What am I, made of money?)

Photo Contest

Photo Contest Entry #18

November 29th, 2010
The Christmas Present From Hell

Worse than Krampus

One more day left in our photo contest!  Get your entries in soon!  Today’s submission:

If you have been particularly unpleasant this year, beware:  This little turd may replace your annual lump of coal, your bag of hickory switches, or your journey with Krampus to the pits of hell.   And like a big lump of coal, it will burn brightly in your Christmas hearth.

Photo Contest

Photo Contest Entry #17

November 29th, 2010
Carl and Whoopi

Carl and Whoopi

The contestant writes:

I tried to scope out the placement of White Coat Black Hat at the Mall of America Barnes and Noble, but was advised by an employee there that not only was the book not in stock, but that it had never been published and does not exist. When I mentioned its review in the NYT, she advised me that the NYT is notorious for reviewing books that have not been released. Luckily, the good people at the B&N at Calhoun Village realize the book exists and that Carl and Whoopi Goldberg are asking the same big questions!

Photo Contest

Photo Contest Entry #16

November 29th, 2010
Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must remain silent

Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must remain silent.

The contestant writes:

Forget Photoshop — after reading a bit of WCBH I entered the search term “wolfman masturbating” into Google Images, and immediately found this genuine photograph. Quite what it amounts to I cannot say, but what I can say is that it brings us closer to the real Carl Elliott.
Congratulations on your work in exposing this beast.

Photo Contest

Photo Contest Entry #15

November 28th, 2010
Carl Elliott with a shitload of money

"Hello, Big Pharma greedheads. I would like to talk to you about the obscene amount of money you're making. For details, please purchase a copy of my book."

Photo Contest

Photo Contest Entry #14

November 27th, 2010
Drink the Carl Elliott Kool-Aid!

Submit. Conform. Obey.

Photo Contest

Photo Contest Entry #13

November 26th, 2010
"I, Carl Elliott, hereby confess that I plagiarized my book from the emails of my younger and more talented brother"

"I, Carl Elliott, hereby confess that I plagiarized my book from the emails of my younger and more talented brother"

Photo Contest, Uncategorized

Photo Contest Entry #12

November 26th, 2010
Search Suggestions from Google

Google Search Suggestions

Photo Contest

Photo Contest Entry #11

November 23rd, 2010

Photo Contest Entry #10

November 22nd, 2010

Photo Contest Entry #9

November 21st, 2010
Carl Elliott as Dr. Evil, Coach K as Mini-Me

"I don't look at myself as a bioethicist. I look at myself as a pious, sermonizing prick who happens to teach bioethics"

The latest entry in the photo contest: Dr. Elliott and Coach K.

Photo Contest

Photo Contest Entry #8

November 20th, 2010
Carl at the Renaissance Fair

Carl at the Renaissance Fair in Charlotte, NC

Photo Contest

Photo Contest Entry #7

November 18th, 2010

A screenshot from Amazon:

Amazon's algorithm does not lie.

Amazon's algorithm does not lie.

Photo Contest

Photo Contest Entry #6

November 18th, 2010

Photo Contest Entry #5

November 18th, 2010

Deut. 9:17. "And I took the book, and cast it out of my two hands, and brake it before your eyes." Why? Because it SUCKED!

Photo Contest

Photo Contest Entry #4

November 17th, 2010
Carl As Nixon

"I am not a cheapskate plagiarizing, lawyer-calling bully"

Photo Contest

Photo Contest Entry #3

November 17th, 2010
Perfect solution to a wobbly table

Solution to a wobbly table

Entry #3 in our photo contest reminds us that if you think creatively, you can find a use even for something as worthless as Carl Elliott’s book.  If you have a piece of wobbly furniture, well, the book’s just sitting there, anyway.

Photo Contest

Photo Contest – Entry #2

November 16th, 2010

From the political to the scatalogical: Here is our next entry in the White Coat, Black Hat photo contest.

Hi there, I’m happy to see that at least one person shows what Carl Elliott really stands for. He just whines and whines about our products, but as the number 1 sales-agent of Immodium in Minnesota, I know perfectly well he uses our products when the need is there. Here is where I found his book.

P.A.D. Pooper

Two images; click on #2 to view the second one.

Photo Contest

Photo Contest – Our First Entry

November 14th, 2010
He likes Tony almost as much as he liked Nixon.

He likes Tony almost as much as he liked Nixon.

This evening, we received our first submission to the photo contest. An outstanding beginning!

I will post these as they arrive, but I will leave out contestant’s names unless they specifically tell me otherwise. That way, you can feel free to be as ruthless as you like.

Photo Contest

Announcing the White Coat Black Hat Photo Competition

November 13th, 2010
Photo competition

Smile, asshole!

Inspired by the excellent photo that showed up after Carl Elliott’s Asheville reading,  the White Coat, Black Hat website is happy to announce its first contest.   Readers are invited to send us their most creative and insulting images of Carl Elliott and/or his book, White Coat, Black Hat.  Whether you find an interesting new placement for the book, or do a photoshop job on his cheesy promo pics, show Carl what you really think of him and his half-assed collection of stolen ideas.

Send your submissions to Deadline is November 30.  No constraints; any image is ok with me.  Hell, if you want to shove  that book down a woodchipper and put it on youtube, that qualifies too.

Favorites will be posted on the website.  And the prize?  Well, you could opt for a free copy of that piece of shit book, or much better, you can have your choice of any of the alternatives I’ve suggested for the same price (well, any except the Ambien).   If you choose a horse head mask over Carl’s book, then so much the better.

Photo Contest