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And the Winner is . . .

December 2nd, 2010

Deut. 9:17: "And I took the book, and cast it out of my two hands, and brake it before your eyes." Because it SUCKED!

Congratulations to Ken Deville, whose Charlton Heston/Moses photo wins the White Coat, Black Hat photo contest. Deville is a professor of bioethics himself, so I’m betting that Carl stole a couple of his ideas as well. He’ll be treated to his choice of the the 7 prizes we have on offer

Many thanks to everyone who participated. I was impressed, as always, at the outstanding number of talented Carl-haters out there.

As a coda, I would like to propose one more idea: A New Yorker-style caption competition. See if you can come up with a suitable caption for this photo, one that reflects some of Carl’s key attributes (talentlessness, sanctimony, plagiarism). I’ll get the ball rolling:

“Hey everybody, I wrote this puppy all by myself. That Burning Bush didn’t have shit to do with it!”

Your turn. Use the comments section below to give your suggestions (and this is just for fun, by the way. No prizes. What am I, made of money?)

Photo Contest

  1. Makot Mitzrayim
    December 3rd, 2010 at 12:46 | #1

    “Who among you left this book at my house? Aaron! Sacrifice the Paschal lamb
    and paint my door with its blood.”

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