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The Ethicator: To be . . .

March 5th, 2011

Mel Gibson in Hamlet

Dear Ethicator,
To be or not to be? Is that still the question?

A question? Of course.  THE question?  Not a chance.  We live in a social media universe, and you just became obsolete five minutes
ago. Don’t just stand there staring at your belly button.  Got a problem? Tweet it, crowdsource it, answer it and move on.  Next question.

Oh btw, how much do you think an autographed copy of WC,BH is
worth? In other words, how much is Carl Elliott’s signature worth?

This is a complicated question.  On the one hand, I would assume that Carl’s signature would be essentially worthless to any sane person who values decent writing.  On the other hand, if scarcity is a criterion for value, I must admit that Carl’s signature is extremely rare.  One  almost never sees Carl’s signature in the usual places — for example, on checks.  You’d be hard-pressed ever to find a signed check from Carl Elliott.  If you ever find a signed check by Carl Elliott, you should probably consider it a collector’s item.  Legal statements, such as restraining orders, are far more common and are probably not worth much. So it probably depends on the document.

You’re welcome,
The Ethicator

Send your questions to the Ethicator: info@whitecoatblackhat.com


Advice Column, Ethicator

  1. Nobody you know
    March 5th, 2011 at 11:36 | #1

    Defamation is written or spoken injury to a person or organization’s reputation.

    Libel is the written act of defamation. Slander is the oral act of defamation.

    Defamation: An attack on the good reputation of a person, by slander or libel.

    Libel: Defamation by writing such as in a newspaper or a letter.

    Just thought you might be interested.


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